Monster High Dolls

So, many of you have probably seen the monster high dolls in the stores. The first time I saw them, they kind of freaked me out. I have no idea why these are soo popular! Especially with young kids. My step daughter is 5 and she is all about Monster high, but she only has 3 dolls that people gave her for her birthday. Personally, my husband and I refuse to buy her anything Monster high because we don’t think it is age appropriate.


My other issue with these toys is they are expensive! One doll is about $20 or more and they are so cheaply made they break within 2 weeks. Out of the three dolls my step daughter has, two of them are missing their limbs. It really sucks because if someone is going to be paying so much money, it shouldn’t break right after they buy it. I think I will stick with the regular barbies and the ever after high dolls. πŸ™‚ Happy Playing!


Dream Business

All I have ever wanted to do is have a business where I can make things for other people. So, I’m going to start it now! πŸ™‚ Β I love crafting of all sorts, painting, sewing, sketching, building, you name it, I probably like it. Recently, I made some wooden letters for my daughter’s birthday party. They were Minnie Mouse and I had them out on these tiny yellow easels. I got a huge amount of compliments on them, including people asking where I had gotten those made.


About a week later, I made some Spiderman letters for someone who was looking for letters for her son’s room. I made them and she loved it. After I did those, I decided, hmm.. maybe I will give it a shot and try to expand my business portfolio. So, I started selling custom made letters.So far I have gotten 6 more orders! Ranging from Spongebob, Minnie Mouse, New York Giants, and New York Mets. Β It definitely takes a lot of time and effort but it’s a good way to keep me sane as a stay at home mom, and make some extra cash. πŸ™‚ Now, here I am, starting something that I dreamed of. Now I just need to keep making improvements! πŸ™‚ Happy Selling!

I only have a few versions available on etsy as of now but feel free to stop by my shop and look!


Broken Oven! No more Turkey..

I was cooking one of my favorite dishes and trying to preheat the oven. Unfortunately, my oven didn’t preheat! 😦 So, no oven roasted turkey legs today. We ended up getting Subway,but I didn’t want to waste the turkey legs that I had spent 2 days brining. So, I just put them in the crock pot. I had to let them cook for 8 hours. But you can probably get away with 6 if you need to and your turkey will still be tender and juicy.

I prepared them the same way as my last recipe, but since it was so unexpected I forgot to snap a pic and ended up having to take them out of the crock pot at 5 am. πŸ˜› I put them in the fridge when I was done cooking them. The next day I made them for dinner.

To reheat them, I heated up a very large deep skillet. I added a little over 1/4 cup to the pan and a little EVOO. Then, I put the turkey legs in, sprinkled with a little bit more salt and pepper (I had already seasoned them before I cooked them the first time) and covered the skillet. I let them sit for about 20 minutes, turning over in between. After I took them off the skillet, I served them with some baked potatoes, that I made in the microwave. Delicious! The turkey was juicy and tender and fell off the bone very easily. It was delicious and even though I’m going to miss the oven crispy skin, at least I can make them a different way! πŸ™‚

Outdoor Play Area!

I have been hard at work this weekend, trying to find the perfect set up for the kids outside play area. I wanted them to have a lot of room but still have a lot of things to do and be in a place where I Β can see them if I have to run in side for a second. I bought a wonderful swing set and sandbox from I love them! I spent about $400 total for both. I bought the baby slide and the Β toy tool bench used for $20 total. And I got the teeter totter used for free. πŸ™‚ (Don’t feel like buying used is a bad thing! Toys last a long time and they will get messed up outside anyways!)


I am so excited for my step daughter to come and see her new play area! I plan on adding things as I get them, like I just got a free outside table and chair set that I need to clean and put out. Plus the pool and we also just got her a Monster High Bike too! Since it was so cold this past Fall, Winter and Spring, it’s time to make up for that no outside time. πŸ˜› Β Happy Playing!!


Shit my Step Daughter’s Mom Says

“Joint Custody is wrong….She’s not just your daughter…. I’m her mother she belongs with me. Respect that and stop being greedy and selfish with her.”

My husband and my Step daughters birth mom are in the midst of another custody battle. He is trying to get joint physical and legal custody and we have no idea what she will be asking for, but we are pretty sure it is sole custody. I hate when birth mothers always say, since I am the mom, I should automatically get the children. And many times during court this happens!

How is my husband being greedy and selfish? You are asking to solely be the caretaker of you guys’ daughter. You want to solely make decisions, but you want child support to continue, you want for her to solely spend all holidays with you, yet my husband is the greedy and selfish one. You are going to pass up a school that is rated a 7 out of 10, for a school that is 1 out of 10, just so you can keep her while she’s in school all the time. Now I’m not sure, but I think you might be the one that is being selfish.. Why do you instantly jump to everything you think is negative before thinking about everything that could possibly benefit her? Oh wait… then she would get to spend more time with her dad and you wouldn’t be able to brainwash her into thinking he’s not actually her dad. I get it now…


Court Order Modifications

So, we have been trying to work with my step daughter’s mom to come up with a 50/50 parenting plan. This may be one of the hardest things I have ever had to deal with! She doesn’t want holidays or Summer vacation in the court order, she does not want my husband to have their daughter during school (even if we live less than 20 minutes away), she does not want the court order to say that she can’t say certain things to their daughter (like someone else is her dad), and she doesn’t want the order to divide or schedule their daughter’s free time.

So, basically, she wants total control and the ability to deny all holidays like she has been doing. She wants to be able to talk crap about my husband to their daughter and tell her other people are her dad. I am hoping that the courts will be successful when my husband puts in a modification for custody. I’m hoping they will see how she really is and how impossible she makes it for my husband to see their daughter. It sucks when you are dealing with a narcissist. But the most you can do is be reasonable, be fair and fight with kindness!

Hyperemesis Gravidarum- My Story

Not many people know what Hypermesis Gravidarum is. Most people have never heard of it, I know I never did! I was diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum when I was only 6 weeks pregnant. It is a pregnancy complication that can be harmful to you and your child, it takes morning sickness to an entirely other level. It can cause weight loss, the need for IV fluids, and severe nausea and extreme vomiting. In some cases, it can also cause your child to not be able to get all of the nutrition she/he needs.

I spent my days waking up at 5am and throwing up until about 6pm. I could not eat or drink anything; water, ginger ale, fruits, dry foods, nothing helped. No matter what I ate, I would throw it up. It was pretty hard to meet my calorie intake when I just kept throwing everything up. I hated the advice people gave me, “Just eat crackers and drink ginger ale or club soda.” I’m sorry but no that does not help, stop telling me this. The doctors would just say I’m sorry but here’s an IV so you won’t be dehydrated. And man how that IV made me feel so much better!

I think I only gained about 28 pounds throughout my entire pregnancy. I still fit into my Size 5 jeans until I was 5 months pregnant. I was genuinely worried that my daughter was going to be small and not healthy but the doctors insisted that she would be fine. And she was! From 6 weeks pregnant until the moment I delivered my daughter I was throwing up. I threw up mid-delivery, but it helped her come out faster. πŸ˜› It sucked. I was always exhausted, hungry, nauseous, and puking. But I got through it. I went to the doctor multiple times for IV fluids, I spent days upon days in bed or on the bathroom floor, and I could barely do anything.

In the end, I don’t even remember how I felt during my pregnancy. I don’t remember the feeling of the sickness or exhaustion because once I had my daughter and I knew she was okay, nothing else mattered. I was happy just having her in my arms and not being sick anymore. πŸ™‚

Hyperemesis Gravidarum isn’t just another morning sickness symptom, it is a serious complication that can cause malnutrition, dehydration, exhaustion, extreme nausea and vomiting. It is a problem that not many people hear about, but it is so common it’s surprising that you don’t hear about it more often. If you are suffering from Hyperemesis Gravidarum keep trying to eat, even if you throw up, because you might just find that one thing you won’t throw up. πŸ˜› And don’t give up! You are creating a life. It will take struggle and if you can’t handle this now, you might not be able to handle being a parent.


Shit My Step Daughter’s Mom Says

A few years back, my step daughter’s mom was trying to not let my husband see their daughter at all. It was Christmas Day to be exact. She was refusing visitation and even hid her car in the visitor parking lot of her trailer park. She said that instead of today he could get her the weekend coming up. He asked if he could get her the weekend after as well, since it was his scheduled weekend. This was her response:

“You need to cancle the showcause”

When my husband said No that’s not happening, she responded with:

“Then you can fill out some more and the next time you see me is in court. Merry christmas.”

Let’s just start with this, blackmail. That is totally blackmail. Either you do this or you don’t see your kid. And you know what she got away with it too. All of the showcauses were thrown out in court because the judge just told her, “Don’t do it again.” Mind you, she had 8 showcauses against her. The one thing I can’t stand is parental alienation and the courts allowing some parents to get away with it. After the court date, she stopped but it never should have happened to begin with.


Late Easter!

Easter is here! Late for us but here! πŸ™‚ Being a mom and a step mom, sometimes holidays are hard! You don’t know if you should wait for your step daughter or just have two Easters every year (since this is a holiday we won’t be trading every other year). Our daughter is 1 now, so we just waited for her sister this year. We had a blast! πŸ™‚ It is even better having our holidays on separate days because you can go and buy Easter stuff when it is all 50-75% off! πŸ˜›

Obviously, when our daughter grows up she will want her own Easter day and might think it’s not fair that she has one and her sister has two. Since, there are always tons of local Easter activities we can do those with her and then do the family Easter day when my step daughter gets here. πŸ™‚ It’s a win-win all the way around!



The Rear Facing Car Seat Head Flop

If anyone has a small child that falls asleep in the car and you recently switched to a convertible car seat, then you might know what I am talking about! This drives me insane. I used to pull over and try to adjust her head and car seat, only to start moving and have it flop right back down again. I tried everything the pool noodle, pillows, blankets, nothing worked. So I turned her around.

At first, I was really hesitant about turning her around because kids are supposed to be rear facing until 2 years old. But I considered my options, I thought it would be more dangerous to get into an accident where her head isn’t fully supported than to just turn her around. I didn’t come to my decision lightly, I wish I could have kept her rear facing. So, if anyone has any advice I would love to hear it!

The good thing about this is that she is much happier in the car when she is facing us. She can see what’s going on, she cries less, and I can keep a better eye on her. However, unless you’re having head flopping issues, keep them rear-facing until 2!! πŸ™‚
